Source code for

"""Class to run an anomalous phased fourier on MR results"""

__author__ = "Adam Simpkin"
__date__ = "17 Mar 2017"
__version__ = "0.1"

import logging
import os

from pyjob import cexec
from scipy.spatial import distance

import iotbx.pdb
import simbad.util.mtz_util

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _AnomScore(object):
    """An anomalous phased fourier scoring class"""

    __slots__ = ("peaks_over_6_rms", "peaks_over_6_rms_within_4a_of_model",
                 "peaks_over_9_rms", "peaks_over_9_rms_within_4a_of_model")

    def __init__(self, peaks_over_6_rms, peaks_over_6_rms_within_4a_of_model, peaks_over_9_rms,
        self.peaks_over_6_rms = peaks_over_6_rms
        self.peaks_over_6_rms_within_4a_of_model = peaks_over_6_rms_within_4a_of_model
        self.peaks_over_9_rms = peaks_over_9_rms
        self.peaks_over_9_rms_within_4a_of_model = peaks_over_9_rms_within_4a_of_model

    def __repr__(self):
        return "{0}(peaks_over_6_rms={1} " \
                "peaks_over_6_rms_within_4a_of_model={2} " \
                "peaks_over_9_rms={3} " \
    def _as_dict(self):
        """Convert the :obj:`_MrScore <>`
        object to a dictionary"""
        return {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.__slots__}

[docs]class AnomSearch(object): """An anomalous phased fourier running class Attributes ---------- mtz : str The path to the input MTZ output_dir : str The path to the output directory model : class Class object containing the PDB code for the input model Example ------- >>> from import AnomSearch >>> anomalous_search = AnomSearch("<mtz>", "<output_dir>") >>>"<model>") """ def __init__(self, mtz, output_dir, mr_program): self._mtz = None self._mr_program = None self._f = None self._sigf = None self._dano = None self._sigdano = None self._free = None self._space_group = None self._resolution = None self._cell_parameters = None self._output_dir = None = None self.mr_program = mr_program self.mtz = mtz self.output_dir = output_dir self.work_dir = None @property def mr_program(self): """The molecular replacement program to use""" return self._mr_program @mr_program.setter def mr_program(self, mr_program): """Define the molecular replacement program to use""" self._mr_program = mr_program @property def mtz(self): """The input MTZ file""" return self._mtz @mtz.setter def mtz(self, mtz): """Define the input MTZ file""" self._mtz = mtz @property def output_dir(self): """The path to the working directory""" return self._output_dir @output_dir.setter def output_dir(self, output_dir): """Define the working directory""" self._output_dir = output_dir
[docs] def run(self, model): """Function to run SFALL/CAD/FFT to create phased anomalous fourier map""" # Make output directory self.work_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, model.pdb_code, "anomalous") os.mkdir(self.work_dir) self._f, self._sigf, _, _, self._dano, self._sigdano, self._free = simbad.util.mtz_util.get_labels(self.mtz) self._space_group, self._resolution, cell_parameters = simbad.util.mtz_util.crystal_data(self.mtz) self._cell_parameters = " ".join(map(str, cell_parameters)) # Create path to the placed mr solution input_model = os.path.join(self.output_dir, model.pdb_code, "mr", self.mr_program, "{0}_mr_output.pdb".format(model.pdb_code)) = model.pdb_code # Run programs self.sfall(input_model) self.cad() self.fft() self.peakmax() self.csymmatch()
[docs] def search_results(self, min_dist=4.0): """Function to extract search results""" heavy_atom_model = os.path.join(self.work_dir, "csymmatch_{0}.pdb".format( input_model = os.path.join(self.output_dir,, "mr", self.mr_program, "{0}_mr_output.pdb".format( peaks_over_6_rms_coordinates = [] peaks_over_9_rms_coordinates = [] # Get the coordinates of peaks larger than 8 rms / 12 rms pdb_input = iotbx.pdb.pdb_input(file_name=heavy_atom_model) hierarchy = pdb_input.construct_hierarchy() for residue_group in hierarchy.models()[0].chains()[0].residue_groups(): for atom_group in residue_group.atom_groups(): for atom in atom_group.atoms(): if atom.b >= 6: peaks_over_6_rms_coordinates.append(([0],[1],[2])) if atom.b >= 9: peaks_over_9_rms_coordinates.append(([0],[1],[2])) # Get the atom coordinates of the placed MTZ input_model_coordinates = [] pdb_input = iotbx.pdb.pdb_input(file_name=input_model) hierarchy = pdb_input.construct_hierarchy() for residue_group in hierarchy.models()[0].chains()[0].residue_groups(): for atom_group in residue_group.atom_groups(): for atom in atom_group.atoms(): input_model_coordinates.append(([0],[1],[2])) # Find the number of peaks within min dist (default 2A) of protein peaks_over_6_rms_within_4 = 0 peaks_over_9_rms_within_4 = 0 # Find the number of peaks over 8 rms that have an euclidean distance from the protein of less than min_dist for peak_coordinate in peaks_over_6_rms_coordinates: for atom_coordinate in input_model_coordinates: dist = distance.euclidean(peak_coordinate, atom_coordinate) if dist <= min_dist: peaks_over_6_rms_within_4 += 1 break # Find the number of peaks over 12 rms that have an euclidean distance from the protein of less than min_dist for peak_coordinate in peaks_over_9_rms_coordinates: for atom_coordinate in input_model_coordinates: dist = distance.euclidean(peak_coordinate, atom_coordinate) if dist <= min_dist: peaks_over_9_rms_within_4 += 1 break score = _AnomScore(peaks_over_6_rms=len(peaks_over_6_rms_coordinates), peaks_over_9_rms=len(peaks_over_9_rms_coordinates), peaks_over_6_rms_within_4a_of_model=peaks_over_6_rms_within_4, peaks_over_9_rms_within_4a_of_model=peaks_over_9_rms_within_4) return score
[docs] def sfall(self, model): """Function to run SFALL to calculated structure factors for the placed MR model Parameters ---------- model : str path to placed model from MR : str unique identifier for the input model set by :obj:`` self.mtz : str mtz file input to :obj:`AnomSearch` self.work_dir : str working directory set by :obj:`` self._f : str f column label set by :obj: `AnomSearch` self._sigf : str sigf column label set by :obj: `AnomSearch` self._free : str free column label set by :obj: `AnomSearch` Returns ------- file mtz file containing FCalc and PHICalc columns """ cmd = ["sfall", "HKLOUT", os.path.join(self.work_dir, "sfall_{0}.mtz".format(, "XYZIN", model, "HKLIN", self.mtz] stdin = os.linesep.join([ "LABIN FP={0} SIGFP={1} FREE={2}", "labout -", "FC=FCalc PHIC=PHICalc", "MODE SFCALC -", " XYZIN -", " HKLIN", "symmetry '{3}'", "badd 0.0", "vdwr 2.5", "end", ]) stdin = stdin.format(self._f, self._sigf, self._free, self._space_group) cexec(cmd, stdin=stdin)
[docs] def cad(self): """Function to run CAD to combine the calculated structure factors and the anomalous signal Parameters ---------- : str unique identifier for the input model set by :obj:`` self.mtz : str mtz file input to :obj: `AnomSearch` self.work_dir : str working directory set by :obj:`` self._f : str f column label set by :obj: `AnomSearch` self._sigf : str sigf column label set by :obj: `AnomSearch` self._free : str free column label set by :obj: `AnomSearch` self._dano : str dano column label set by :obj: `AnomSearch` self._sigdano : str sigdano column label set by :obj: `AnomSearch` self._resolution : float mtz resolution set by :obj: `AnomSearch` Returns ------- file mtz file containing FCalc, PHICalc, DANO and SIGDANO columns """ cmd = ["cad", "HKLIN1", self.mtz, "HKLIN2", os.path.join(self.work_dir, "sfall_{0}.mtz".format(, "HKLOUT", os.path.join(self.work_dir, "cad_{0}.mtz".format(] stdin = os.linesep.join([ "monitor BRIEF", "labin file 1 -", " E1 = {0} -", " E2 = {1} -", " E3 = {2} -", " E4 = {3} -", " E5 = {4}", "labout file 1 -", " E1 = {0} -", " E2 = {1} -", " E3 = {2} -", " E4 = {3} -", " E5 = {4}", "ctypin file 1 -", " E1 = F -", " E2 = Q -", " E3 = I -", " E4 = D -", " E5 = Q", "resolution file 1 50 {5}", "labin file 2 -", " E1 = FCalc -", " E2 = PHICalc", "labout file 2 -", " E1 = FCalc -", " E2 = PHICalc", "ctypin file 2 -", " E1 = F -", " E2 = P", ]) stdin = stdin.format(self._f, self._sigf, self._free, self._dano, self._sigdano, self._resolution) cexec(cmd, stdin=stdin)
[docs] def fft(self): """Function to run FFT to create phased anomalous fourier map Parameters ---------- : str unique identifier for the input model set by :obj:`` self.work_dir : str working directory set by :obj:`` Returns ------- file anomalous phased fourier map file file log file containing the results from the anomalous phased fourier """ cmd = ["fft", "HKLIN", os.path.join(self.work_dir, "cad_{0}.mtz".format(, "MAPOUT", os.path.join(self.work_dir, "fft_{0}.map".format(] stdin = os.linesep.join(["xyzlim asu", "scale F1 1.0", "labin -", " DANO={0} SIG1={1} PHI=PHICalc", "end"]) stdin = stdin.format(self._dano, self._sigdano) cexec(cmd, stdin=stdin)
[docs] def peakmax(self): """Function to run peakmax to return the peaks from FFT Parameters ---------- : str unique identifier for the input model set by :obj:`` self.work_dir : str working directory set by :obj:`` Returns ------- file PDB file containing peaks file HA file containing peaks file log file containing the peaks identified by the anomalous phased fourier """ cmd = ["peakmax", "MAPIN", os.path.join(self.work_dir, "fft_{0}.map".format(, "XYZOUT", os.path.join(self.work_dir, "peakmax_{0}.pdb".format(, "XYZFRC", os.path.join(self.work_dir, "peakmax_{0}.ha".format(] stdin = os.linesep.join(["threshhold -", " rms -", " 3.0", "numpeaks 50", "output brookhaven frac", "residue WAT", "atname OW", "chain X"]) cexec(cmd, stdin=stdin)
[docs] def csymmatch(self): """Function to run csymmatch to correct for symmetry shifted coordinates Parameters ---------- : str unique identifier for the input model set by :obj:`` self.work_dir : str working directory set by :obj:`` self.output_dir : str output directory input to :obj: `AnomSearch` Returns ------- file PDB file containing the symmetry corrected atom coordinates """ cmd = ["csymmatch", "-stdin"] stdin = os.linesep.join(["pdbin {0}", "pdbin-ref {1}", "pdbout {2}", "connectivity-radius 2.0"]) stdin = stdin.format( os.path.join(self.work_dir, "peakmax_{0}.pdb".format(, os.path.join(self.output_dir,, "mr", self.mr_program, "{0}_mr_output.pdb".format(, os.path.join(self.work_dir, "csymmatch_{0}.pdb".format( ) cexec(cmd, stdin=stdin)