Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env ccp4-python
"""Module to run phaser on a model"""

__author__ = "Adam Simpkin"
__date__ = "02 May 2017"
__version__ = "1.0"

import os
import shutil

from pyjob import cexec

[docs]class Phaser(object): """Class to run PHASER Attributes ---------- enant : bool Specify whether to try enantimorphic space groups f : str The column label for F hklin : str Path to the input hkl file hklout : str Path to the output hkl file logfile : str Path to the output log file pdbin : str Path to the input pdb file pdbout : str Path to the output pdb file sigf : str The column label for SIGF solvent : int float The estimated solvent content of the crystal work_dir : str Path to the working directory were you want PHASER to run Examples -------- >>> from import Phaser >>> phaser = Phaser('<enant>', '<hklin>', '<hklout>', '<i>', '<logfile>', '<nmol>', '<pdbin>', '<pdbout>', '<sigi>', >>> '<solvent>', '<timeout>', '<workdir>') >>> Files relating to the PHASER run will be contained within the work_dir however the location of the output hkl, pdb and logfile can be specified. """ def __init__(self, enant, hklin, hklout, i, logfile, nmol, pdbin, pdbout, sigi, solvent, timeout, work_dir): self._enant = None self._i = None self._hklin = None self._hklout = None self._logfile = None self._nmol = None self._pdbout = None self._pdbout = None self._sigi = None self._solvent = None self._timeout = None self._work_dir = None self.enant = enant self.i = i self.hklin = hklin self.hklout = hklout self.logfile = logfile self._nmol = nmol self.pdbin = pdbin self.pdbout = pdbout self.sigi = sigi self.solvent = solvent self.timeout = timeout self.work_dir = work_dir @property def enant(self): """Whether to check for enantimophic space groups""" return self._enant @enant.setter def enant(self, enant): """Define whether to check for enantiomorphic space groups""" self._enant = enant @property def i(self): """The I label from the input hkl""" return self._i @i.setter def i(self, i): """Define the I label from the input hkl""" self._i = i @property def hklin(self): """The input hkl file""" return self._hklin @hklin.setter def hklin(self, hklin): """Define the input hkl file""" self._hklin = hklin @property def hklout(self): """The output hkl file""" return self._hklout @hklout.setter def hklout(self, hklout): """Define the output hkl file""" self._hklout = hklout @property def logfile(self): """The logfile output""" return self._logfile @logfile.setter def logfile(self, logfile): """Define the output logfile""" self._logfile = logfile @property def nmol(self): """The number of molecules to look for""" return self._nmol @nmol.setter def nmol(self, nmol): """Define the number of molecules to look for""" self._nmol = nmol @property def pdbin(self): """The input pdb file""" return self._pdbin @pdbin.setter def pdbin(self, pdbin): """Define the input pdb file""" self._pdbin = pdbin @property def pdbout(self): """The output pdb file""" return self._pdbout @pdbout.setter def pdbout(self, pdbout): """Define the output pdb file""" self._pdbout = pdbout @property def sigi(self): """The SIGI label from the input hkl""" return self._sigi @sigi.setter def sigi(self, sigi): """Define the SIGI label from the input hkl""" self._sigi = sigi @property def solvent(self): """The estimated solvent content of the crystal""" return self._solvent @solvent.setter def solvent(self, solvent): """Define the estimated solvent content of the crystal""" self._solvent = solvent @property def timeout(self): """The time in minutes before phaser is killed""" return self._timeout @timeout.setter def timeout(self, timeout): """Define the time in minutes before phaser should be killed""" self._timeout = timeout
[docs] def run(self): """Function to run molecular replacement using PHASER Returns ------- file Output hkl file file Output pdb file file Output log file """ # Make a note of the current working directory current_work_dir = os.getcwd() # Change to the PHASER working directory if os.path.exists(self.work_dir): os.chdir(self.work_dir) else: os.makedirs(self.work_dir) os.chdir(self.work_dir) # Copy hklin and pdbin to working dire for efficient running of PHASER hklin = os.path.join(self.work_dir, os.path.basename(self.hklin)) shutil.copyfile(self.hklin, hklin) pdbin = os.path.join(self.work_dir, os.path.basename(self.pdbin)) shutil.copyfile(self.pdbin, pdbin) if self.enant: sgalternative = "ALL" else: sgalternative = "HAND" if self.timeout == 0: kill_command = "" else: kill_command = "KILL TIME {0}".format(self.timeout) key = """#---PHASER COMMAND SCRIPT GENERATED BY SIMBAD--- MODE MR_AUTO ROOT "phaser_mr_output"' {0} #---DEFINE DATA--- HKLIN {1} LABIN I={2} SIGI={3} SGALTERNATIVE SELECT {4} #---DEFINE ENSEMBLES--- ENSEMBLE ensemble1 & PDB "{5}" RMS 0.6 #---DEFINE COMPOSITION--- COMPOSITION BY SOLVENT COMPOSITION PERCENTAGE {6} #---SEARCH PARAMETERS--- SEARCH ENSEMBLE ensemble1 NUMBER {7}""" key = key.format(kill_command, hklin, self.i, self.sigi, sgalternative, pdbin, self.solvent, self.nmol) Phaser.phaser(self.logfile, key) # Move the output hkl file to specified filename if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.work_dir, 'phaser_mr_output.1.mtz')): shutil.move(os.path.join(self.work_dir, 'phaser_mr_output.1.mtz'), self.hklout) # Move output pdb file to specified filename if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.work_dir, 'phaser_mr_output.1.pdb')): shutil.move(os.path.join(self.work_dir, 'phaser_mr_output.1.pdb'), self.pdbout) # Return to original working directory os.chdir(current_work_dir) # Delete any files copied across if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.work_dir, os.path.basename(self.hklin))): os.remove(os.path.join(self.work_dir, os.path.basename(self.hklin))) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.work_dir, os.path.basename(self.pdbin))): os.remove(os.path.join(self.work_dir, os.path.basename(self.pdbin)))
[docs] @staticmethod def phaser(logfile, key): """Function to run molecular replacement using PHASER Parameters ---------- logfile : str Path to the output log file key : str PHASER keywords Returns ------- file Output hkl file file Output pdb file file Output log file """ cmd = ["phaser"] stdout = cexec(cmd, stdin=key) with open(logfile, 'w') as f_out: f_out.write(stdout)
if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Runs MR using PHASER', prefix_chars="-") group = parser.add_argument_group() group.add_argument('-enant', type=bool, help="Try enantimorph space groups <True/False>") group.add_argument('-hklin', type=str, help="Path the input hkl file") group.add_argument('-hklout', type=str, help="Path the output hkl file") group.add_argument('-i', type=str, help="The column label for I") group.add_argument('-logfile', type=str, help="Path to the ouput log file") group.add_argument('-nmol', type=int, help="The predicted number of molecules to build") group.add_argument('-pdbin', type=str, help="Path to the input pdb file") group.add_argument('-pdbout', type=str, help="Path to the output pdb file") group.add_argument('-sigi', type=str, help="The column label for SIGI") group.add_argument('-solvent', help="The estimated solvent content of the crystal") group.add_argument('-timeout', type=int, help="The time in mins before phaser will kill a job") group.add_argument('-work_dir', type=str, help="Path to the working directory") args = parser.parse_args() phaser = Phaser(args.enant, args.hklin, args.hklout, args.i, args.logfile, args.nmol, args.pdbin, args.pdbout, args.sigi, args.solvent, args.timeout, args.work_dir)