simbad-full options

SIMBAD: Sequence Independent Molecular replacement Based on Available Database

usage: simbad-full [-h] [-ccp4_jobid CCP4_JOBID] [-chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE]
                   [-debug_lvl DEBUG_LVL] [-name NAME]
                   [-output_pdb OUTPUT_PDB] [-output_mtz OUTPUT_MTZ]
                   [-run_dir RUN_DIR] [-results_to_display RESULTS_TO_DISPLAY]
                   [-tmp_dir TMP_DIR] [-work_dir WORK_DIR]
                   [-webserver_uri WEBSERVER_URI] [--cleanup] [--display_gui]
                   [--process_all] [--skip_mr] [--version] [-nproc NPROC]
                   [-submit_qtype SUBMIT_QTYPE] [-submit_queue SUBMIT_QUEUE]
                   [-cont_db CONT_DB]
                   [-max_contaminant_results MAX_CONTAMINANT_RESULTS]
                   [-organism ORGANISM] [-morda_db MORDA_DB]
                   [-max_morda_results MAX_MORDA_RESULTS] [-latt_db LATT_DB]
                   [-max_lattice_results MAX_LATTICE_RESULTS]
                   [-max_penalty_score MAX_PENALTY_SCORE]
                   [-amore_exe AMORE_EXE] [-npic NPIC]
                   [-min_solvent_content MIN_SOLVENT_CONTENT] [-pklim PKLIM]
                   [-rotastep ROTASTEP] [-shres SHRES] [-enan ENAN]
                   [-mr_keywords MR_KEYWORDS]
                   [-refine_keywords REFINE_KEYWORDS] [-mr_program MR_PROGRAM]
                   [-refine_program REFINE_PROGRAM] [-pdb_db PDB_DB]
                   [-phaser_kill PHASER_KILL] [-F F] [-SIGF SIGF] [-FREE FREE]
                   [-DANO DANO] [-SIGDANO SIGDANO]

Positional Arguments

mtz The path to the input mtz file

Basic options

-ccp4_jobid Set the CCP4 job id - only needed when running from the CCP4 GUI

Max jobs to submit at any given time

Default: 0


The console verbosity level < notset | info | debug | warning | error | critical >

Default: “info”


4-letter identifier for job [simb]

Default: “simbad”

-output_pdb Path to the output PDB for the best result
-output_mtz Path to the output MTZ for the best result

Directory where the SIMBAD work directory will be created

Default: “.”


The number of results to display in the GUI

Default: 10

-tmp_dir Directory in which to put temporary files from SIMBAD
-work_dir Path to the directory where SIMBAD will run (will be created if it doesn’t exist)
-webserver_uri URI of the webserver directory - also indicates we are running as a webserver

Delete all data not reported by the GUI

Default: False



Default: False


Trial all search models

Default: False


Skip Molecular replacement step

Default: False

--version Print the SIMBAD version

Cluster queue submission options


Number of processors. For local, serial runs the jobs will be split across nproc processors. For cluster submission, this should be the number of processors on a node.

Default: 1


The job submission queue type [ local | sge ]

Default: “local”

-submit_queue The queue to submit to on the cluster.

Molecular Replacement specific options


Check enantiomorphic space groups

Default: False

-mr_keywords Path to file containing keywords for MR program
 Path to file containing keywords for the refinement program

Path to the MR program to use. Options: < molrep | phaser >

Default: “molrep”


Path to the refinement program to use. Options: < refmac5 >

Default: “refmac5”

-pdb_db Path to local copy of the PDB, this is needed if there is no internet access

Time in minutes after which phaser will be killed (0 to leave running)

Default: 30

MTZ specific options

-F Flag for F column in the MTZ
-SIGF Flag for SIGF column in the MTZ
-FREE Flag for FREE column in the MTZ
-DANO Flag for the DANO column in the MTZ
-SIGDANO Flag for the SIGDANO column in the MTZ