simbad-database options

usage: simbad-database [-h] {lattice,contaminant,morda,custom,validate} ...



lattice database

simbad-database lattice [-h] [-debug_lvl DEBUG_LVL] [-latt_db LATT_DB]

Named Arguments


The console verbosity level < notset | info | debug | warning | error | critical >

Default: “info”


Path to local copy of the lattice database

Default: “/empty/path/share/simbad/static/niggli_database.npz”


Contaminant database

simbad-database contaminant [-h] [-nproc NPROC] [-submit_qtype {local,sge}]
                            [-submit_queue SUBMIT_QUEUE]
                            [-debug_lvl DEBUG_LVL] [-cont_db CONT_DB]

Named Arguments


The console verbosity level < notset | info | debug | warning | error | critical >

Default: “info”


Path to local copy of the contaminant database

Default: “/empty/path/share/simbad/static/contaminants”


Retrospectively add morda domains to an updated contaminant database

Default: False

Cluster queue submission options


Number of processors. For local, serial runs the jobs will be split across nproc processors. For cluster submission, this should be the number of processors on a node.

Default: 1


Possible choices: local, sge

The job submission queue type

Default: “local”

-submit_queue The queue to submit to on the cluster.


morda database

simbad-database morda [-h] [-nproc NPROC] [-submit_qtype {local,sge}]
                      [-submit_queue SUBMIT_QUEUE] [-chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE]
                      [-debug_lvl DEBUG_LVL]

Positional Arguments

simbad_db Path to local copy of the SIMBAD database

Named Arguments


Max jobs to submit at any given time [disk space dependent

Default: 5000


The console verbosity level < notset | info | debug | warning | error | critical >

Default: “info”

Cluster queue submission options


Number of processors. For local, serial runs the jobs will be split across nproc processors. For cluster submission, this should be the number of processors on a node.

Default: 1


Possible choices: local, sge

The job submission queue type

Default: “local”

-submit_queue The queue to submit to on the cluster.


custom database

simbad-database custom [-h] [-debug_lvl DEBUG_LVL] custom_db input_db

Positional Arguments

custom_db Path to local copy of the custom database of PDB files in SIMBAD format
input_db Path to local copy of the custom database of PDB files

Named Arguments


The console verbosity level < notset | info | debug | warning | error | critical >

Default: “info”


validate database

simbad-database validate [-h] [-debug_lvl DEBUG_LVL] database

Positional Arguments

database The database to validate

Named Arguments


The console verbosity level < notset | info | debug | warning | error | critical >

Default: “info”