Source code for simbad.command_line

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Commad line facility for SIMBAD scripts"""

__author__ = "Felix Simkovic"
__date__ = "14 Apr 2017"
__version__ = "0.1"

from distutils.version import StrictVersion

import argparse
import logging
import os
import platform
import sys
import time

from enum import Enum

from pyjob import cexec
from pyjob.platform import EXE_EXT
from import MrPrograms, RefPrograms, SGAlternatives
from simbad.util import SIMBAD_DIRNAME

import simbad.db
import simbad.util.mtz_util
import simbad.version

if != "nt":
    if "SSL_CERT_FILE" not in os.environ:
        os.environ["SSL_CERT_FILE"] = os.path.join(os.environ["CCP4"], 'etc', 'ssl', 'cacert.pem')

[docs]class CCP4(object): """Wrapper class for CCP4 installation""" def __init__(self): self.root = CCP4RootDirectory() self.version = CCP4Version()
[docs]class CCP4RootDirectory(object): """The CCP4 root directory""" def __init__(self): if "CCP4" not in os.environ: raise KeyError("Cannot find CCP4 installation - please make sure CCP4 " + "is installed and the setup scripts have been run!") elif "CCP4_SCR" not in os.environ: raise KeyError("$CCP4_SCR environment variable not set - please make sure " + "CCP4 is installed and the setup scripts have been run!") elif not os.path.isdir(os.environ['CCP4_SCR']): raise ValueError("Cannot find the $CCP4_SCR directory: {0}".format(os.environ["CCP4_SCR"])) else: self._root = os.environ['CCP4'] def __str__(self): return self._root def __repr__(self): return "{}: {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._root)
[docs]class CCP4Version(StrictVersion): """The CCP4 version class""" def __init__(self): StrictVersion.__init__(self) ccp4_major_minor = os.path.join(os.environ["CCP4"], "lib", "ccp4", "MAJOR_MINOR") if os.path.isfile(ccp4_major_minor): with open(ccp4_major_minor, "r") as f_in: tversion = else: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.debug("Detecting CCP4 version via executing pdbcur") stdout = cexec(['pdbcur' + EXE_EXT], permit_nonzero=True) tversion = None for line in stdout.split(os.linesep): if line.startswith(' ### CCP4'): tversion = line.split()[2].rstrip(':') if tversion is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot determine CCP4 version") self.parse(tversion)
[docs]def is_valid_file(parser, arg): if os.path.exists(arg): return arg else: parser.error("The file %s does not exist!" % arg)
[docs]def is_valid_dir(parser, arg): if os.path.isdir(arg): return arg else: parser.error("The directory %s does not exist!" % arg)
[docs]class LogColors(Enum): """Color container for log messages""" CRITICAL = 31 DEBUG = 34 DEFAULT = 0 ERROR = 31 WARNING = 33
[docs]class LogLevels(Enum): """Log level container""" DEBUG = logging.DEBUG ERROR = logging.ERROR INFO = logging.INFO NOTSET = logging.NOTSET WARNING = logging.WARNING
[docs]class LogColorFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Formatter for log messages"""
[docs] def format(self, record): if record.levelname in LogColors.__members__: prefix = '\033[1;{}m'.format(LogColors[record.levelname].value) postfix = '\033[{}m'.format(LogColors["DEFAULT"].value) record.msg = os.linesep.join([prefix + msg + postfix for msg in str(record.msg).splitlines()]) return logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
[docs]class LogController(object): """Controller class for log messaging""" def __init__(self, reset=True): logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.NOTSET) self._custom_added = False
[docs] def add_console(self, level="info", format="%(message)s", stream=sys.stdout): levelname = self.get_levelname(level) ch = logging.StreamHandler(stream=stream) ch.setLevel(levelname) ch.setFormatter(LogColorFormatter(format)) if not self._custom_added: self.reset() logging.getLogger().addHandler(ch) self._custom_added = True
[docs] def add_logfile(self, file, level="info", format="%(message)s"): levelname = self.get_levelname(level) fh = logging.FileHandler(file) fh.setLevel(levelname) fh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(format)) if not self._custom_added: self.reset() logging.getLogger().addHandler(fh) self._custom_added = True
[docs] def get_levelname(self, level): level_uc = level.upper() if LogController.level_valid(level_uc): return LogLevels[level_uc].value else: raise ValueError("Please provide a valid log level - %s is not!" % level)
[docs] def get_logger(self): return logging.getLogger()
[docs] def close(self): for h in logging.getLogger().handlers[:]: h.close() logging.getLogger().removeHandler(h)
[docs] def reset(self): map(logging.getLogger().removeHandler, logging.getLogger().handlers[:]) map(logging.getLogger().removeFilter, logging.getLogger().filters[:]) self._custom_added = False
[docs] @staticmethod def level_valid(level): return level in LogLevels.__members__
def _argparse_core_options(p): """Add core options to an already existing parser""" sg = p.add_argument_group('Basic options') sg.add_argument('-ccp4_jobid', type=int, help='Set the CCP4 job id - only needed when running from the CCP4 GUI') sg.add_argument('-ccp4i2_xml', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) sg.add_argument('-chunk_size', default=0, type=int, help='Max jobs to submit at any given time') sg.add_argument('-debug_lvl', type=str, default='info', choices=['info', 'debug', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'], help='The console verbosity level') sg.add_argument('-name', type=str, default="simbad", help='The identifier for each job [simbad]') sg.add_argument('-output_pdb', type=str, help='Path to the output PDB for the best result') sg.add_argument('-output_mtz', type=str, help='Path to the output MTZ for the best result') sg.add_argument('-run_dir', type=str, default=".", help='Directory where the SIMBAD work directory will be created') sg.add_argument('-results_to_display', type=int, default=10, help='The number of results to display in the GUI') sg.add_argument('-tmp_dir', type=str, help='Directory in which to put temporary files from SIMBAD') sg.add_argument('-work_dir', type=str, help='Path to the directory where SIMBAD will run (will be created if it doesn\'t exist)') sg.add_argument('-webserver_uri', help='URI of the webserver directory - also indicates we are running as a webserver') sg.add_argument('-rvapi_document', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) sg.add_argument('-tab_prefix', type=str, default="", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) sg.add_argument('--cleanup', default=False, action="store_true", help="Delete all data not reported by the GUI") sg.add_argument('--display_gui', default=False, action="store_true", help="Show the SIMBAD GUI") sg.add_argument('--process_all', default=False, action="store_true", help="Trial all search models") sg.add_argument('--skip_mr', default=False, action="store_true", help="Skip Molecular replacement step") sg.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='SIMBAD v{0}'.format(simbad.version.__version__), help='Print the SIMBAD version') def _argparse_job_submission_options(p): """Add the options for submission to a cluster queuing system""" sg = p.add_argument_group('Cluster queue submission options') sg.add_argument('-nproc', type=int, default=1, help="Number of processors. For local, serial runs the jobs will be split across nproc " "processors. For cluster submission, this should be the number of processors on a node.") sg.add_argument('-submit_qtype', type=str, default='local', choices=['local', 'sge'], help='The job submission queue type') sg.add_argument('-submit_queue', type=str, default=None, help='The queue to submit to on the cluster.') def _argparse_contaminant_options(p): """Contaminant search specific options""" sg = p.add_argument_group('Contaminant search specific options') sg.add_argument('-cont_db', type=lambda x: is_valid_dir(sg, x), default=simbad.CONTAMINANT_MODELS, help='Path to local copy of the contaminant database') sg.add_argument('-max_contaminant_results', type=int, default=20, help="The maximum number of contaminant results to return") sg.add_argument('-organism', type=str, help="Select a specific host organism using the UniProt mnemonic organism" "identification code") def _argparse_morda_options(p): """Morda search specific options""" sg = p.add_argument_group('Morda search specific options') sg.add_argument('-morda_db', type=lambda x: is_valid_dir(sg, x), help='Path to local copy of the MoRDa database') sg.add_argument('-max_morda_results', type=int, default=200, help="The maximum number of contaminant results to return") def _argparse_lattice_options(p): """Lattice search specific options""" sg = p.add_argument_group('Lattice search specific options') sg.add_argument('-latt_db', type=lambda x: is_valid_file(sg, x), default=simbad.LATTICE_DB, help='Path to local copy of the lattice database') sg.add_argument('-max_lattice_results', type=int, default=20, help="The maximum number of lattice results to return") sg.add_argument('-max_penalty_score', type=int, default=7, help="The maximum lattice penalty score allowed") def _argparse_rot_options(p): """Rotation search specific options""" sg = p.add_argument_group('AMORE Rotation search specific options') sg.add_argument('-amore_exe', type=str, default=os.path.join(os.environ["CCP4"], 'libexec', 'amore-rs'), help='Path to amore executable') sg.add_argument("-npic", type=int, default=50, help="Number of peaks to output from the translation function map for each orientation") sg.add_argument('-min_solvent_content', type=int, default=30, help="The minimum solvent content present in the unit cell with the input model") sg.add_argument('-pklim', type=float, default=0.5, help="Peak limit, output all peaks above <pklim>") sg.add_argument('-rotastep', type=float, default=1.0, help="Size of rotation step") sg.add_argument("-rot_program", type=str, default='amore', choices=['amore', 'phaser'], help="Program with which to perform rotation search") sg.add_argument('-shres', type=float, default=3.0, help="Spherical harmonic resolution") def _argparse_mr_options(p): sg = p.add_argument_group('Molecular Replacement specific options') sg.add_argument('-sga', "--sgalternative", default='none', choices=SGAlternatives.__members__.keys(), help='Check alternative space groups') sg.add_argument('-mr_program', type=str, default="molrep", choices=MrPrograms.__members__.keys(), help='Path to the MR program to use.') sg.add_argument('-refine_program', type=str, default="refmac5", choices=RefPrograms.__members__.keys(), help='Path to the refinement program to use.') sg.add_argument('-refine_cycles', type=int, help='The number of refinement cycles to run [default: 30]') sg.add_argument('-pdb_db', type=str, help='Path to local copy of the PDB, this is needed if there is no internet access') sg.add_argument('-phaser_kill', type=int, default=30, help="Time in minutes after which phaser will be killed (0 to leave running)") def _argparse_mtz_options(p): """Add MTZ specific options""" sg = p.add_argument_group('MTZ specific options') sg.add_argument('-F', type=str, help='Flag for F column in the MTZ') sg.add_argument('-SIGF', type=str, help='Flag for SIGF column in the MTZ') sg.add_argument('-FREE', type=str, help='Flag for FREE column in the MTZ') sg.add_argument('-DANO', type=str, help='Flag for the DANO column in the MTZ') sg.add_argument('-SIGDANO', type=str, help='Flag for the SIGDANO column in the MTZ') def _simbad_contaminant_search(args): """A wrapper function to run the SIMBAD contaminant search Parameters ---------- args : obj A :obj:`ArgumentParser <argparse.ArgumentParser>` object Returns ------- bool Successful or not """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) stem = os.path.join(args.work_dir, 'cont') os.makedirs(stem) if args.organism: organism_cont_db = os.path.join(args.cont_db, args.organism.upper()) if not os.path.isdir(organism_cont_db): msg = "Cannot find organism {0} in contaminant database. Running full contaminant database".format( args.organism) logging.debug(msg) else: args.cont_db = organism_cont_db temp_mtz = os.path.join(args.work_dir, "input.mtz") if os.path.isfile(temp_mtz): pass else: ed = simbad.util.mtz_util.ExperimentalData(args.mtz) ed.process_miller_arrays() ed.output_mtz(temp_mtz) from simbad.rotsearch import rotation_search_factory rotation_obj = rotation_search_factory(args.rot_program) rotation_search = rotation_obj(temp_mtz, args.mr_program, args.tmp_dir, stem, amore_exe=args.amore_exe, max_to_keep=args.max_contaminant_results, skip_mr=args.skip_mr) os.path.abspath(args.cont_db), nproc=args.nproc, shres=args.shres, pklim=args.pklim, npic=args.npic, rotastep=args.rotastep, min_solvent_content=args.min_solvent_content, submit_qtype=args.submit_qtype, submit_queue=args.submit_queue, chunk_size=args.chunk_size ) if rotation_search.search_results: rot_summary_f = os.path.join(stem, 'rot_search.csv') logger.debug("Contaminant search summary file: %s", rot_summary_f) rotation_search.summarize(rot_summary_f) if rotation_search.search_results and not args.skip_mr: from import mr_succeeded_csvfile contaminant_mr_dir = os.path.join(stem, 'mr_search') if args.refine_cycles: refine_cycles = args.refine_cycles else: refine_cycles = 30 molecular_replacement = submit_mr_jobs( temp_mtz, contaminant_mr_dir, rotation_search.search_results, None, refine_cycles, args ) mr_summary_f = os.path.join(stem, 'cont_mr.csv') logger.debug("Contaminant MR summary file: %s", mr_summary_f) molecular_replacement.summarize(mr_summary_f) output_dir = os.path.join(args.work_dir, 'output_files') make_output_dir(stem, output_dir, mr_summary_f, args.mr_program) if args.cleanup: cleanup(stem, os.path.join(args.work_dir, 'output_files'), mr_summary_f, args.results_to_display) if mr_succeeded_csvfile(mr_summary_f): return True return False def _simbad_morda_search(args): """A wrapper function to run the SIMBAD morda search Parameters ---------- args : obj A :obj:`ArgumentParser <argparse.ArgumentParser>` object Returns ------- bool Successful or not """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) stem = os.path.join(args.work_dir, 'morda') os.makedirs(stem) if not args.morda_db: msg = "Failed to specify the location of the MoRDa database for the SIMBAD MoRDa run" logger.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) temp_mtz = os.path.join(args.work_dir, "input.mtz") if os.path.isfile(temp_mtz): pass else: ed = simbad.util.mtz_util.ExperimentalData(args.mtz) ed.process_miller_arrays() ed.output_mtz(temp_mtz) from simbad.rotsearch import rotation_search_factory rotation_obj = rotation_search_factory(args.rot_program) rotation_search = rotation_obj(temp_mtz, args.mr_program, args.tmp_dir, stem, amore_exe=args.amore_exe, max_to_keep=args.max_morda_results, skip_mr=args.skip_mr) args.morda_db, nproc=args.nproc, shres=args.shres, pklim=args.pklim, npic=args.npic, rotastep=args.rotastep, min_solvent_content=args.min_solvent_content, submit_qtype=args.submit_qtype, submit_queue=args.submit_queue, chunk_size=args.chunk_size ) if rotation_search.search_results: rot_summary_f = os.path.join(stem, 'rot_search.csv') logger.debug("MoRDa search summary file: %s", rot_summary_f) rotation_search.summarize(rot_summary_f) if rotation_search.search_results and not args.skip_mr: from import mr_succeeded_csvfile morda_mr_dir = os.path.join(stem, 'mr_search') if args.refine_cycles: refine_cycles = args.refine_cycles else: refine_cycles = 30 molecular_replacement = submit_mr_jobs( temp_mtz, morda_mr_dir, rotation_search.search_results, 'jelly_body', refine_cycles, args ) mr_summary_f = os.path.join(stem, 'morda_mr.csv') logger.debug("MoRDa search MR summary file: %s", mr_summary_f) molecular_replacement.summarize(mr_summary_f) output_dir = os.path.join(args.work_dir, 'output_files') make_output_dir(stem, output_dir, mr_summary_f, args.mr_program) if args.cleanup: cleanup(stem, os.path.join(args.work_dir, 'output_files'), mr_summary_f, args.results_to_display) if mr_succeeded_csvfile(mr_summary_f): return True return False def _simbad_lattice_search(args): """A wrapper function to run the SIMBAD lattice search Parameters ---------- args : obj A :obj:`ArgumentParser <argparse.ArgumentParser>` object Returns ------- bool Successful or not """ from simbad.lattice.lattice_search import LatticeSearch MTZ_AVAIL = args.mtz is not None temp_mtz = None logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if MTZ_AVAIL: temp_mtz = os.path.join(args.work_dir, "input.mtz") ed = simbad.util.mtz_util.ExperimentalData(args.mtz) ed.process_miller_arrays() ed.output_mtz(temp_mtz) space_group, _, cell_parameters = simbad.util.mtz_util.crystal_data( temp_mtz) else: space_group = args.space_group cell_parameters = args.unit_cell.replace(",", " ") cell_parameters = (float(i) for i in cell_parameters.split()) stem = os.path.join(args.work_dir, 'latt') lattice_mr_dir = os.path.join(stem, 'mr_search') lattice_mod_dir = os.path.join(lattice_mr_dir, 'mr_models') os.makedirs(lattice_mod_dir) ls = LatticeSearch(args.latt_db, lattice_mod_dir), cell_parameters, max_to_keep=args.max_lattice_results, max_penalty=args.max_penalty_score) if len(ls.results) > 0: latt_summary_f = os.path.join(stem, 'lattice_search.csv') ls.summarize(latt_summary_f) if MTZ_AVAIL and not args.skip_mr: from import mr_succeeded_csvfile if args.pdb_db: ls.copy_results(args.pdb_db, lattice_mod_dir) else: ls.download_results(lattice_mod_dir) # Check so we don't attempt MR when download/copying failed if len(ls.results) < 1: return False if args.refine_cycles: refine_cycles = args.refine_cycles else: refine_cycles = 0 molecular_replacement = submit_mr_jobs( temp_mtz, lattice_mr_dir, ls.results, None, refine_cycles, args) mr_summary_f = os.path.join(stem, 'lattice_mr.csv') logger.debug("Lattice search MR summary file: %s", mr_summary_f) molecular_replacement.summarize(mr_summary_f) output_dir = os.path.join(args.work_dir, 'output_files') make_output_dir(stem, output_dir, mr_summary_f, args.mr_program) if args.cleanup: cleanup(stem, os.path.join(args.work_dir, 'output_files'), mr_summary_f, args.results_to_display) if mr_succeeded_csvfile(mr_summary_f): return True return False
[docs]def cleanup(directory, output_dir, csv, results_to_keep): """Function to clean up working directory results not reported by GUI""" import pandas as pd import shutil df = pd.read_csv(csv) data = df.pdb_code.tolist() if len(data) > results_to_keep: for i in data[results_to_keep:]: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(output_dir, i)) mr_dir = os.path.join(directory, "mr_search") if os.path.isdir(mr_dir): shutil.rmtree(mr_dir)
[docs]def get_work_dir(run_dir, work_dir=None, ccp4_jobid=None, ccp4i2_xml=None): """Figure out the relative working directory by provided options""" if work_dir: if not os.path.isdir(work_dir): os.mkdir(work_dir) elif run_dir and os.path.isdir(run_dir): work_dir = make_workdir(run_dir, ccp4_jobid=ccp4_jobid, ccp4i2_xml=ccp4i2_xml) elif run_dir: os.mkdir(run_dir) work_dir = make_workdir(run_dir, ccp4_jobid=ccp4_jobid) else: raise RuntimeError("Not entirely sure what has happened here " + "but I should never get to here") return os.path.abspath(work_dir)
[docs]def make_output_dir(run_dir, output_dir, csv, mr_program): """Make a directory containing output files Parameters ---------- run_dir : str The path to the run directory output_dir : str The path to the output directory to create csv : file CSV file containing results mr_program : str The MR program used """ import pandas as pd import shutil df = pd.read_csv(csv) data = df.pdb_code.tolist() if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) for pdb_code in data: pdb_output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, pdb_code) if not os.path.isdir(pdb_output_path): os.mkdir(pdb_output_path) mr_workdir = os.path.join( run_dir, 'mr_search', pdb_code, 'mr', mr_program) files_to_copy = [ os.path.join(mr_workdir, '{0}_mr.log'.format(pdb_code)), os.path.join(mr_workdir, 'refine', '{0}_refinement_output.pdb'.format(pdb_code)), os.path.join(mr_workdir, 'refine', '{0}_refinement_output.mtz'.format(pdb_code)), os.path.join(mr_workdir, 'refine', '{0}_ref.log'.format(pdb_code)), os.path.join(mr_workdir, 'refine', '{0}'.format(pdb_code)), os.path.join(mr_workdir, 'refine', '{0}'.format(pdb_code)), ] for f in files_to_copy: shutil.copy(f, pdb_output_path)
[docs]def make_workdir(run_dir, ccp4_jobid=None, ccp4i2_xml=None, rootname=SIMBAD_DIRNAME + '_'): """Make a work directory rooted at work_dir and return its path Parameters ---------- run_dir : str The path to a run directory ccp4_jobid : int, optional CCP4-assigned job identifier ccp4i2_xml : str, optional Path to CCP4 I2 XML output (just used to indicate running under CCP4 I2) rootname : str, optional Base name of the SIMBAD directory [default: \'SIMBAD_\'] Returns ------- work_dir : str The path to the working directory Raises ------ ValueError There is an existing SIMBAD CCP4 work directory """ if ccp4i2_xml: dname = os.path.join(run_dir, SIMBAD_DIRNAME) os.mkdir(dname) return dname elif ccp4_jobid: dname = os.path.join(run_dir, rootname + str(ccp4_jobid)) if os.path.exists(dname): raise ValueError("There is an existing SIMBAD CCP4 work directory: {0}\n" "Please delete/move it aside.") os.mkdir(dname) return dname run_inc = 0 while True: work_dir = os.path.join(run_dir, rootname + str(run_inc)) if os.path.isdir(work_dir): run_inc += 1 else: os.mkdir(work_dir) return work_dir
[docs]def submit_mr_jobs(mtz, mr_dir, search_results, refine_type, refine_cycles, args): """Function to submit molecular replacement jobs Parameters ---------- mtz : str Path to input mtz file mr_dir : str Path to input models directory mr_dir : str Path to directory where MR will be run search_results : list list of results from SIMBAD search refine_type : str The type of refinement to run refine_cycles : int The number of refinement cycles Returns ------- object MrSubmit object containing results from MR """ from import MrSubmit molecular_replacement = MrSubmit(mtz=mtz, mr_program=args.mr_program, refine_program=args.refine_program, refine_type=refine_type, refine_cycles=refine_cycles, output_dir=mr_dir, sgalternative=args.sgalternative, tmp_dir=args.tmp_dir, timeout=args.phaser_kill) molecular_replacement.submit_jobs(search_results, nproc=args.nproc, process_all=args.process_all, submit_qtype=args.submit_qtype, submit_queue=args.submit_queue) return molecular_replacement