Source code for simbad.util.reference_manager

"""Code to manage references"""

__author__ = "Adam Simpkin, Jens Thomas & Felix Simkovic"
__date__ = "7 November 2018"

from collections import OrderedDict
import copy
from enum import Enum
import os

[docs]class ReferenceManager(): #Section Names
[docs] class SECTIONS(Enum): __order__ = 'GENERAL ROTATION MR REFINEMENT' GENERAL = 'General' ROTATION = 'Rotation Search' MR = 'Molecular Replacement' REFINEMENT = 'Refinement'
SEC_TAG = 'h3' def __init__(self, d): self.references = {} self.ordered_labels = [] self.citation_file_path = None self.section_labels = OrderedDict() self.setup_references() self.setup_sections(d)
[docs] def setup_references(self): ref_fname = os.path.join(os.environ['CCP4'], "share", "simbad", "static", "simbad.bib") if not os.path.isfile(ref_fname): msg = "Cannot find BibTex file containing references. " \ "Please determine them yourself and cite SIMBAD." return msg article = {} entry = False with open(ref_fname, "r") as fhin: for line in fhin.readlines(): line = line.strip() if not line: continue elif line.startswith("@"): # Beginning of all BibTex entry blocks entry = True unique_id = line.replace("@article{", "").replace(",", "") article = {'unique_id': unique_id} # Reset the article dictionary elif line == "}": # End of all BibTex entry blocks entry = False self.references[article['label']] = article elif entry: # BibTex entry block # Some dirty line handling. # Not very bulletproof but should do for now line = line.replace("{", "").replace("}", "") key, value = [l.strip() for l in line.split("=")] value = value.rstrip(",").replace("\"", "") # Save the data to the article entry article[key] = value return
[docs] def setup_sections(self, d): # Create default lists for section in self.SECTIONS: self.section_labels[section] = [] # Build up list of program reference labels, ordered by sections for section in self.SECTIONS: if section == self.SECTIONS.GENERAL: self.section_labels[section] = ['SIMBAD', 'CCP4', 'CCTBX'] elif section == self.SECTIONS.ROTATION: labels = [] if d.get('-rot_program') == 'phaser': labels.append('PHASER_ROT') else: labels.append('AMORE') self.section_labels[section] = labels elif section == self.SECTIONS.MR: labels = [] if d.get('-mr_program') == 'phaser': labels.append('PHASER') else: labels.append('MOLREP') self.section_labels[section] = labels elif section == self.SECTIONS.REFINEMENT: self.section_labels[self.SECTIONS.REFINEMENT] = ['REFMAC'] # Generate ordered list of all relevant reference labels for section in self.SECTIONS: if section in self.section_labels: self.ordered_labels += self.section_labels[section] return
@property def methods_as_html(self): html = "<p>This section lists the programs and algorithms that were used in this job and the references that should be cited. " + \ "Numbers in superscript next to program/reference names refer to the number of the program reference in the overall list of references.</p>" for section in self.SECTIONS: if section == self.SECTIONS.GENERAL: html += '<p>SIMBAD<sup>1</sup>, CCP4<sup>2</sup> and CCTBX<sup>3</sup> references should be cited in all cases.</p>' elif section == self.SECTIONS.ROTATION and len(self.section_labels[self.SECTIONS.ROTATION]): standfirst = '<p>The rotation searches were carried out with the following programs:</p>' html += self._methods_section_html(self.SECTIONS.ROTATION, standfirst) elif section == self.SECTIONS.MR and len(self.section_labels[self.SECTIONS.MR]): standfirst = '<p>Molecular Replacement was carried out with the following programs:</p>' html += self._methods_section_html(self.SECTIONS.MR, standfirst) elif section == self.SECTIONS.REFINEMENT and len(self.section_labels[self.SECTIONS.REFINEMENT]): standfirst = '<p>Refinement of the MR solutions was carried out with the following programs:</p>' html += self._methods_section_html(self.SECTIONS.REFINEMENT, standfirst) return html def _methods_section_html(self, section, standfirst): mysec = self.SECTIONS(section) html = '<{}>{}</{}>'.format(self.SEC_TAG, mysec.value, self.SEC_TAG) html += standfirst html += '<ul>' for label in self.section_labels[mysec]: html += "<li>{}<sup>{}</sup></li>".format(label, self.ordered_labels.index(label) + 1) html += "</ul>" return html @property def citations_as_html(self): html = '<{}>References</{}>'.format(self.SEC_TAG, self.SEC_TAG) html += '<ol>' template_txt = "<li> {author} ({year}). {title}. {journal} {volume}({number}), {pages}. [doi:{doi}]</li>" for label in self.ordered_labels: ref = copy.copy(self.references[label]) ref['author'] = ref['author'].split(" and ")[0].split(",")[0] + " et al." ref['pages'] = ref['pages'].replace("--", "-") html += template_txt.format(**ref) html += '</ol>' return html @property def citations_as_text(self): txt = """A number of programs and algorithms were used within the this run of SIMBAD. The following is a list of citations for this run: {0} """.format(self.citation_list_as_text) if self.citation_file_path: txt += """ A bibtex file with these references has been saved to the following file: {0} """.format(self.citation_file_path) return txt @property def citation_list_as_text(self): template_txt = "* {author} ({year}). {title}. {journal} {volume}({number}), {pages}. [doi:{doi}]" text = "" for label in self.ordered_labels: ref = copy.copy(self.references[label]) ref['author'] = ref['author'].split(" and ")[0].split(",")[0] + " et al." ref['pages'] = ref['pages'].replace("--", "-") text += template_txt.format(**ref) + os.linesep * 2 return text
[docs] def save_citations_to_file(self, work_dir): # ========================================================================= # Somewhat a template of how we want to write each article in BibTex format # ========================================================================= template_bib = "@article{{{unique_id},{sep}author = {{{author}}},{sep}doi = {{{doi}}},{sep}" \ "journal = {{{journal}}},{sep}number = {{{number}}},{sep}pages = {{{pages}}},{sep}" \ "title = {{{{{title}}}}},{sep}volume = {{{volume}}},{sep}year = {{{year}}},{sep}}}{sep}" references_bib = [template_bib.format(sep=os.linesep, **self.references[l]) for l in self.ordered_labels] ref_fname = os.path.join(work_dir, "references.bib") with open(ref_fname, "w") as fhout: fhout.write(os.linesep.join(references_bib)) self.citation_file_path = ref_fname return ref_fname