Source code for simbad.util.pdb_util

import gzip
import logging
import os
import string

import iotbx.pdb
import iotbx.pdb.amino_acid_codes
import iotbx.pdb.fetch

import numpy as np

from simbad.chemistry import atomic_composition, periodic_table
from simbad.db import read_dat

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
three2one = iotbx.pdb.amino_acid_codes.one_letter_given_three_letter

[docs]class PdbStructure(object): def __init__(self): self.pdb_input = None self.hierarchy = None self.crystal_symmetry = None
[docs] def from_file(self, input_file): if input_file.endswith(".dat"): pdb_str = read_dat(input_file) self.pdb_input = iotbx.pdb.input(source_info=None, lines=pdb_str) elif input_file.endswith(".pdb"): self.pdb_input = iotbx.pdb.pdb_input(file_name=input_file) elif input_file.endswith(".ent.gz"): with, 'rb') as f_in: pdb_str = self.pdb_input = iotbx.pdb.input(source_info=None, lines=pdb_str) self.hierarchy = self.pdb_input.construct_hierarchy() self.set_crystal_symmetry(input_file)
[docs] def from_pdb_code(self, pdb_code): content = self.get_pdb_content(pdb_code) if content: self.pdb_input = iotbx.pdb.input(source_info=None, lines=content) self.hierarchy = self.pdb_input.construct_hierarchy() self.set_crystal_symmetry(pdb_code) else: raise RuntimeError
[docs] def set_crystal_symmetry(self, source): try: self.crystal_symmetry = self.pdb_input.crystal_symmetry() except AssertionError: logger.debug('Unable to generate crystal symmetry for %s', source) self.crystal_symmetry = None
[docs] @staticmethod def get_pdb_content(pdb_code): import urllib2 # Work around until cctbx/cctbx_project#118 in release def cctbx_workaround(pdb_code): import ssl context = ssl._create_unverified_context() url_frame = "{0}/{0}_final.pdb" return urllib2.urlopen(url_frame.format(pdb_code), context=context) try: try: content = cctbx_workaround(pdb_code) except Exception: content = iotbx.pdb.fetch.fetch(pdb_code, data_type='pdb', format='pdb', mirror='pdbe') logger.debug("Downloaded PDB entry %s from %s", pdb_code, content.url) return except Exception as e: logger.critical("Encountered problem downloading PDB %s: %s", pdb_code, e) return None
@property def molecular_weight(self): mw = 0 hydrogen_atoms = 0 for m in self.hierarchy.models(): for c in m.chains(): for rg in c.residue_groups(): resseq = None for ag in rg.atom_groups(): if ag.resname in iotbx.pdb.amino_acid_codes.one_letter_given_three_letter \ and resseq != rg.resseq: resseq = rg.resseq try: hydrogen_atoms += atomic_composition[ag.resname].H except AttributeError: logger.debug("Ignoring non-standard amino acid: %s", ag.resname) for atom in ag.atoms(): if ag.resname.strip() == 'HOH' or ag.resname.strip() == 'WAT': pass else: # Be careful, models might not have the last element column if atom.element.strip(): aname = atom.element.strip() else: aname = aname = aname.translate(None, string.digits)[0] try: mw += periodic_table[aname].atomic_mass * atom.occ except AttributeError: try: aname = ''.join([i for i in aname if not i.isdigit()]) mw += periodic_table[aname].atomic_mass * atom.occ except AttributeError: logger.debug("Ignoring non-standard atom type: %s", aname) mw += hydrogen_atoms * periodic_table['H'].atomic_mass return mw @property def integration_box(self): try: resolution = float(self.pdb_input.extract_remark_iii_records(2)[0].split()[3]) except IndexError: resolution = 2.0 chain = self.hierarchy.models()[0].chains()[0] xyz = np.zeros((chain.atoms_size(), 3)) for i, atom in enumerate(chain.atoms()): xyz[i] = diffs = np.asarray([ np.ptp(xyz[:, 0]), np.ptp(xyz[:, 1]), np.ptp(xyz[:, 2]), ]) intrad = diffs.min() * 0.75 x, y, z = diffs + intrad + resolution return x.item(), y.item(), z.item(), intrad.item() @property def nchains(self): return len(self.hierarchy.models()[0].chains()) @property def nres(self): nres = 0 for m in self.hierarchy.models(): for c in m.chains(): for rg in c.residue_groups(): resseq = None for ag in rg.atom_groups(): if ag.resname in three2one and resseq != rg.resseq: nres += 1 resseq = rg.resseq if nres == 0: # No standard amino acids in model, check for all e.g. DNA for m in self.hierarchy.models(): for c in m.chains(): for _ in c.residue_groups(): nres += 1 return nres
[docs] def keep_first_chain_only(self): self.select_chain(0)
[docs] def select_chain(self, chain_idx): for i, m in enumerate(self.hierarchy.models()): if i != 0: self.hierarchy.remove_model(m) m = self.hierarchy.models()[0] for i, c in enumerate(m.chains()): if i != chain_idx: m.remove_chain(c)
[docs] def standardize(self): for m in self.hierarchy.models(): for c in m.chains(): for rg in c.residue_groups(): for ag in rg.atom_groups(): for a in ag.atoms(): if a.element.strip().upper() == "H" or a.hetero: ag.remove_atom(a) if ag.atoms_size() == 0: rg.remove_atom_group(ag) if rg.atom_groups_size() == 0: c.remove_residue_group(rg) if c.residue_groups_size() == 0: m.remove_chain(c) if m.chains_size() == 0: self.hierarchy.remove_model(m)
[docs] def save(self, pdbout, remarks=[]): with open(pdbout, 'w') as f_out: for remark in remarks: f_out.write("REMARK %s" % remark + os.linesep) f_out.write( self.hierarchy.as_pdb_string( anisou=False, write_scale_records=True, crystal_symmetry=self.crystal_symmetry))